Join usBecoming a member helps us to develop European Neuro-ophthalmology. It gives you the rights to access case reports and sets of teaching slides from speakers at our past meetings, to get a reduced price for EUNOS meeting registration, and for subscription (print and online) to Neuro-Ophthalmology, our affiliated scientific journal. For members-in-training (residents) no fee will be charged during the first two years of membership. To confirm your training position, you need to submit a letter from the head of your deparment to the EUNOS secretary. |
- Please note that subscription is for one calendar year. Members will receive a renewal reminder by e-mail.
- Don't want to pay manually every year? Change to the 'recurring payment' membership upon renewal.
- No refunds can be made.
- Membership fee payment can be made online using PayPal, or offline through a direct bank deposit to the following account:
European Neuro-Ophthalmology Society
Dr. Konrad Weber
UniversitätsSpital, Augenklink
Frauenklinkstrasse, 24
CH-8091 Zürich
IBAN CH10 0483 5184 4451 7200 0
Credit Suisse
AG Postfach 4879
CH-8070 Zürich